Christopher Quince

Christopher Quince

United Kingdom


Christopher Quince has worked in the field of microbiome analysis throughout his career. He was an early pioneer of the application of 16S rRNA gene sequencing to microbial communities, creating the first methods to remove sequencing noise and allow accurate estimates of microbiome diversity. Since then he has focussed on shotgun metagenomics, developing one of the first algorithms CONCOCT, to bin metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) from metagenome assemblies using coverage and composition. His most recent research has focussed on resolving strains within MAGs from short read time series and more efficient long read metagenomics assembly. He has used these metagenome techniques and analysis methods, in conjunction with his wide network of collaborators, to address urgent clinical questions, such as trialling new treatments for paediatric Crohn’s disease and understanding what drives antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the gut microbiome.

All session by Christopher Quince

Christopher Quince