Mireia Valles Colomer

Mireia Valles Colomer



Dr Mireia Valles-Colomer is an EMBO postdoctoral researcher in CIBIO (University of Trento, Italy). With a background in Microbiology and Computational Biology (UAB, Spain and VUB, Belgium), her research focuses on the person-to-person transmission of the gut microbiome and its role in mental health. As part of her PhD research (VIB-KU Leuven, Belgium) she sought to characterise the microbial production and degradation of neuroactive compounds in metagenomic data, and performed the first population-level study on the link between the gut microbiome and host anxiety and depression (Valles-Colomer et al, Nat. Microbiology 2019). The study was included in “Nature milestones 2019” as milestone paper in human microbiota research, and was awarded a recommendation from F1000Prime. Her research now focuses on the person-to-person transmission landscape of the gut and oral microbiomes (Valles-Colomer et al, Nat. Microbiology 2022; Valles-Colomer et al, Nature (under revision)).

All session by Mireia Valles Colomer


Variation and transmission of the human gut microbiota across multiple familial generations