Sean P Kennedy

Sean P Kennedy



Sean P Kennedy, PhD, received his doctorate in microbiology from the University of Massachusetts studying the sequence and genetic structure of Archaea. After completing post-doctoral research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), he came to France in 2005. He worked at the CNRS and INRAe, and in 2008 was part of the first team to use HST to describe the intestinal microbiota and its link with human health.

Sean became head of the sequencing center at Pasteur Institute in Paris, continuing his work in advancing sequencing technology and collaborating in a number of clinical studies involving the human microbiota. Since 2017, Sean has maintained a research group in institute’s Computational Biology Department. The research activity of the ‘Metagenomic Signals’ group focuses on the perinatal and early-childhood microbiota. The group is currently investigating the role of the vaginal microbiota in the healthy colonization of the newborn gut and how to build diagnostics tools to predict dysbiosis and infection risks.

All session by Sean P Kennedy


Microbial Diversity in the Vaginal Microbiota and its Link to Pregnancy Outcomes